Bookkeeping for Equestrians, by Equestrians
Up-To-Date Numbers
Get the answers when you need them
Responsive Staff
We see ourselves as a partner and coach for your success
Industry Experience
We know the lingo and run equine businesses like yours
We really love horses.
I’ve talked to so many of you who believe in your mission of helping horses but are struggling to keep your business afloat. If you do a quick search for horse business accountants, there aren’t many choices and yet our industry contributed $102B to the US economy.
You deserve dedicated financial support from industry insiders.
Whether you are providing traditional services to horses and riders or a part of the equestrian lifestyle scene, you are facing unique challenges. Costs are rising and consumers are demanding more for their dollar.
My unique training program can help you build wealth and create healthy profit margins in your horse business.
Sarah Judson
CEO; Equine Business Accountant
“I’m on a mission to help the equine industry.“